Yisp offers high quality affordable hosting and high volume traffic solutions based on industry-leading hardware, switching equipment and availability levels, located in Amsterdam. Find out more: www.yisp.nl

“Thanks to a great extent to EvoSwitch we have been able to deliver a high quality network while keeping costs to a minimum.”
Rens Ariens, Founder and CEO, Yisp
Yisp came across EvoSwitch as the company was expanding its services – in particular its large bandwidth network solutions. “We started out with a mix of locations, then we needed more space, moving from simple datacenters to more professional ones when we started our own network,” says Rens Ariens, Founder and CEO. “We saw demand for more high-bandwidth solutions and needed our own network based on a good range of carriers.”
Why EvoSwitch
“When we talked to EvoSwitch we liked them,” says Rens. “They had an AMS-IX PoP and they also had all the carriers we needed for immediate and future needs. The facility was extremely professional-looking and it housed lots of international customers, both of which are things our customers also like. And it was just a few kilometers from our other sites, giving us the potential for failover fibre connections. We wanted new networks with better quality and a better price and that’s what we got.”
EvoSwitch ran an offer of a free full rack if you bought a 10 Gig peering port. Yisp took advantage of the offer, creating their second core network location. Today, Yisp runs five racks and 600 GE in total. 120 GE of their capacity runs via AMS-IX to support high speed traffic on their own AS network. Their network has grown substantially and the company works with a selection of network service providers for connectivity services like Transit. “We leverage our network capacity to offer custom solutions in particular for video and media customers and for customers who need large bandwidth backup solutions,” says Rens. “Next to having an AMS-IX pop EvoSwitch also houses many of our largest peers, which has been great for us as we now have private peering connections with them.”
“The EvoSwitch carrier ecosystem is really valuable,” says Rens. “Getting everyone to peer in the IX-Room is definitely good for our business. Thanks to a great extent to EvoSwitch we have been able to deliver a high quality network while keeping costs to a minimum, and they are also well placed to help us with the next technical challenges in our development.”
Yisp works with a lot of data center providers, but Rens believes that EvoSwitch stands out from the crowd in terms of service. “EvoSwitch is simply much faster than the larger players, where everything takes weeks and has to go through some portal. With EvoSwitch I have a single contact. I call him and he does it. If I tell him it’s urgent then it is done within the required timeframe. This is what we need – real people with real faces, who take personal responsibility.”